Ultimate Meditator's Menu
Have you ever thought that the food you eat may be the secret to deeper meditation? Here's a food guide designed...
Why Facebook? Now meditate and make better friends!
Enjoying my day off on a lazy Saturday morning, I lay on the couch, surfing TV channels. On Animal Planet, something...
Meditation & Awareness
Meditation makes you totally relaxed and at the same time sharpens...
Healing Power of Meditation
“In meditation, healing can happen. When the mind is calm, alert...
Meditate! Get an Ache-Free Head
Headache – the very mention of the word has the power to bring...
Benefits of Meditation
Are you seeking calmness, peace of mind, joy, vibrant health, greater energy, positive relationships and fulfillment...
Meditation & Decision-Making
When you are confused, whatever you do tends to feel wrong. Whatever choice you make, you feel that the other...
Meditation & Decision-Making
When you are confused, whatever you do tends to feel wrong....
Meditation & Concentration
Concentration is a byproduct of . Meditation is de-concentration....
Meditation for Peace of Mind
From Turbulence to Tranquility It was a beautiful Saturday evening...