Ex- LTTE combatants` transformation
in Sri Lanka

The conclusion of the war in Sri Lanka in May 2009 saw the displacement of over 2,75,000 people. Some of them who were serving in the erstwhile Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) were placed under the custody and care of the government rehabilitation centers.


Inspired by His Holiness Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar`s creative peace-building initiatives for healing and reconciliation, the Art of Living Foundation Sri Lanka  continued to deliver its life-supporting programs to several hundred ex-LTTE combatants placed at the Boosa Prison and the rehabilitation centres in Omanthai and Maradamadu.


Gurudev`s knowledge and the Sudarshan Kriya breathing technique has helped more than 1800 ex-LTTE combatants to meaningfully reintegrate with the mainstream society.