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  1. Know Your Child

    How can a parent communicate better with children and teenagers? The Art of Living offers short workshops that throw light on children and teens, their behavior and the issues that affect them. Learn simple ways to understand and respond to your children, ...
  2. Know Your Child

    How can a parent communicate better with children and teenagers? The Art of Living offers short workshops that throw light on children and teens, their behavior and the issues that affect them. Learn simple ways to understand and respond to your children, ...
  3. Know Your Teen

    The 'Know Your Teen' workshop addresses the issues that affect teenagers between 13-18 years and how parents and teachers can handle the same. Teenagers can be some of the most delightful people on the planet. Their creativity, dreams, and passi ...
  4. Know Your Child

    How can a parent communicate better with children and teenagers? The Art of Living offers short workshops that throw light on children and teens, their behavior and the issues that affect them. Learn simple ways to understand and respond to your children, ...
  5. Prajñā Yoga (Intuition Process)

    The Art of Living Prajñā Yoga (Intuition Process) is a 2-day program introduced for kids and teenagers between 5-18 years of age. We all are born with a natural intuitive ability to perceive beyond our senses. This is especially visible in children whose ...
  6. Secrets to Happy Family and Relationships

    Don’t just keep your friendliness for family gatherings, celebrate every moment and welcome your community as your family You can only share what you have.  If you want your family to be happy and open and if you want to live in a community that feels lik ...
  7. Advanced courses

    Do Something Now (DSN) DSN  is a rigorous and transformational course that empowers participants to break through personal inhibitions and barriers and access inner stability and power. We each have a deep desire to be the best we can be- for ourselves, o ...
  8. Art of Silence Course

    Rest in your Infinite Nature The Art of Silence Course usually offered in residence and for a minimum of 4 days, provides optimal conditions for going deep within, quieting our mental chatter, and experiencing profound rest and inner silence. This course ...
  9. Personal Development

    "In the history of the universe, there has been nobody like you and to the infinity of time to come, there will be no one like you. You are original. You are rare. You are unique. Celebrate your Uniqueness." – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Come b ...
  10. Follow Up Sessions

    Art of Living Follow Up Sessions For those whom have completed an Art of Living Happiness Program and/or Yes Plus Course Art of Living centers around the world offer weekly drop-in group practice sessions. These sessions are facilitated by an Art of Livin ...