
Take A Break, Meditate!

‘Give me a break!’ screams the mind as we rush towards finishing a list of to-dos: work meetings, home responsibilities, ‘me’ time! There is constant roller coaster of emotions: joy, frustration and stress. Before you know it, there is the next set of responsibilities to look after. Break away from this cycle, apply a momentary brake to these thoughts and activities! Take a break (in every possible sense) and meditate!

#1 Breakfast – The first meal that kick starts your day and the more wholesome the better, isn’t it? Make it complete by adding a few minutes of meditation to your menu! Some moments of deep inner silence before breakfast makes for a happy and healthy start to your day – you will feel high on energy, stay cheerful and relaxed as the day progresses. Besides, you are sure to enjoy your breakfast much more!

#2 Take a break – Tired of working through the day?

Break away from daily mundane with these online guided meditations – a beautiful way to relax and rejuvenate.

Put your mind and body to rest for a few minutes. After an exhausting meeting or achieving a tight deadline, sit alone with yourself in silence and get back to work, feeling refreshed as though you just woke up from a deep nap!

#3 Break away – From monotony into something that is fresh and new. Every experience in meditation is fresh and new, never the same – just like sunsets and sunrises are never the same – and always beautiful.

#4 Apply a brake – To the endless chain of thoughts that can sap your energy and relax in that silent space with meditation. It is a good way to get away from the noise (both outside and in your mind) and find solace in your Self.

#5 Break habits – Smoking, alcohol, addiction to online social networking, procrastination, gossiping, or any other such habits you want to come out of. The bliss of a few minutes of meditation is much more pleasurable than the temporary joy from these sources. You gradually realize that the source of ‘getting high’ is within.

#6 Break up – Time and meditation are the best ways to heal a breakup and mend a broken heart. Sitting with your eyes closed for a while acts as a loving bandage to heal all wounds and help you move on after an unsuccessful relationship. (See physical and emotional benefits of meditation).

#7 Break even – Meditation can help put an end to your continuous struggle to break even in life – when you find yourself stable, both physically and emotionally. Meditation makes you realize that ‘life is joy, life is love and life is enthusiasm,’ as Gurudev says. You get the strength to move on with a smile, come what may.

#8 Break the ice – Meditate together to break the ice with those who you don’t get along with very easily. It works! It could be your parents who you don’t see eye-to-eye with or anybody else with whom you feel awkward or uncomfortable. Sit together, meditate, and the differences gradually start melting away.

#9 Break in – Ever wondered about the secrets of life? The purpose of this creation, of our own life, and the cycle of birth and death? Break in to these secrets with meditation!

#10 Break free – Soar from the depths of the ocean into the vast infinite skies with the wings that meditation will give you. Expand your awareness, broaden your vision and experience the unbounded joy of the Self.

5 Simple Tips To Take A Break, Everyday!

  • 1. Block 20 minutes of your day as 'meditation time'. It can be whenever – early morning, afternoon or late evening – meditate when you wish to take deep rest.
  • 2. Choose a quiet corner at home or work where you can keep going to just be yourself – calm, quiet and centered – to meditate. You will find one even when you are on the move – in a bus, on a train or flight, and in a car.
  • 3. Meditate with family or friends – it always has a greater impact. Your bond gets stronger and you all experience joy together.
  • 4. Whether you are happy or sad, just meditate because meditation will always help, regardless of the mood you are in. It helps enhance a joyful state of mind and heal a disturbed one. Meditation uplifts you.
  • 5. When the mind stops working after continuously punching the keypad, meditation comes as an energy booster. When you feel tired after a long day of finishing household chores, meditation refreshes you. So just stop all that you are doing and meditate for 20 minutes. The results are for you to enjoy!


Inspired by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's wisdom talks


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