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  1. Personalize your daily sadhana with Abhyāsa app

    Yoga, Pranayamas, Bhastrika, Sudarshan Kriya, Meditation, Chanting – do them all, or just one, or anywhere in between, depending on how much time you have; and in your favorite teacher’s voice. Go ahead, download it, and make it your own. Happy sadhana! M ...
  2. Books

    Shiva Sutras "That which delivers the full essence in a few words potent with meaning is a sutra. The direction of our lives depends on the nature of the stura we hold on to." The Shiva Sutras are fourteen verses that organize the phonemes of th ...
  3. Books / Audio / Video

    For home delivery of Art of Living Books, Audio, Video CDs / DVDs or any other product, contact Toll Free no.- 1800 258 8888 / 1800 425 6967 Email:   (Note: This is applicable only in India) Browse online store on store ...
  4. Sri Sri in Portugal

    20 JUNE Global Meditation with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar   Special meditation on the summer solistice of 2012, one of the most spoken years of the last decades. The meditation will be coordinated with several countries around the world and many differe ...
  5. Terms of Use

    Acceptance of the Terms of Use Welcome to the website of the International Art of Living Foundation. These Terms of Use govern your access to and use of our website, including any content, functionality and services offered on or through our website. Plea ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More