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  1. Know Your Child

    How can a parent communicate better with children and teenagers? The Art of Living offers short workshops that throw light on children and teens, their behavior and the issues that affect them. Learn simple ways to understand and respond to your children, ...
  2. Know Your Child

    How can a parent communicate better with children and teenagers? The Art of Living offers short workshops that throw light on children and teens, their behavior and the issues that affect them. Learn simple ways to understand and respond to your children, ...
  3. Know Your Teen

    The 'Know Your Teen' workshop addresses the issues that affect teenagers between 13-18 years and how parents and teachers can handle the same. Teenagers can be some of the most delightful people on the planet. Their creativity, dreams, and passi ...
  4. Know Your Child

    How can a parent communicate better with children and teenagers? The Art of Living offers short workshops that throw light on children and teens, their behavior and the issues that affect them. Learn simple ways to understand and respond to your children, ...
  5. Prajñā Yoga (Intuition Process)

    The Art of Living Prajñā Yoga (Intuition Process) is a 2-day program introduced for kids and teenagers between 5-18 years of age. We all are born with a natural intuitive ability to perceive beyond our senses. This is especially visible in children whose ...
  6. Experience Waves of Happiness Like Never Before

    All actions we undertake in our lives are to make us happy. Unfortunately, we do not always easily achieve what we want... The Happiness Program will take you to the point where you effortlessly reconnect to the one inexhaustible source of joy – You. The ...
  7. Spiritual Experience

    Find out the purpose of your life Learn to heal the wounds of the past Know your place in the world Find true acceptance of the people around you Experience freedom Take gentle guided steps on the path to enlightenment Experience freedom Discover who you ...
  8. Personal Development

    "In the history of the universe, there has been nobody like you and to the infinity of time to come, there will be no one like you. You are original. You are rare. You are unique. Celebrate your Uniqueness." – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Come b ...
  9. Art of Living Happiness Program

    Live with Joy, Purpose and Confidence Within you lies vast, untapped possibilities waiting to be discovered. Through the Art of Living Happiness Program this potential is set free and you gain a greater vision of who you are. You find you have the power t ...
  10. The Art of Meditation Course: Sahaj Samadhi Meditation

    Deep Rest with Sahaj Samadhi Connect to the Source The Art of Meditation (AOM) is a powerful yet effortless technique that allows the conscious mind to experience the silent depths of its own nature. AOM is also known as Sahaj Samadhi. Sahaj, in Sanskrit, ...