
Weekly Wisdom: Insights on Chakras, Elements, and Senses

In this Weekly Wisdom, Gurudev shares how the five elements and senses are connected to our body’s chakras or energetic centers.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Did you know our senses are connected to different chakras (energy centers)?

Chakras, five elements, and five senses 

1) The first chakra, at the base of the spine, is connected with the earth element.

The earth element is connected with your nose, the sense of smell. Animals smell near their tails. Have you noticed this?

Dogs, cats, cows, horses, and all animals don't smell nose to nose but near the tail.

The first chakra is connected with the sense of smell and the earth element.

2) The second chakra is connected with the water element and sex along with the tongue and lips. Where's most of the water in your body? It's everywhere. But more predominantly, where is it? Near the second chakra. Your bladder, seminal fluids, and menstrual fluids are all there.

Fluids are in the second chakra, connected with the sense of taste, the tongue. That's the water element.

3) The third chakra is connected to the fire element in the stomach.

Do you know that those of you who have spectacles or other eye problems began with digestive problems? When your digestion isn't good, your eyesight is also affected. Untimely food, junk food, especially when you eat too much, also affects the eyes.

Your eyesight is connected with the third chakra and the fire element. This element is about vision and form.

Where's most of the fire? In the stomach area. That's how the digestive juices digest your food.

Consciousness manifests as digestive energy. Lord Krishna says in the Gita, “I am the fire in the stomach of people who digest all types of food. I'm the digestive energy.” Digestive energy is connected to our consciousness.


4) Then, the fourth chakra. Air is connected with the heart chakra and with the sense of touch. Notice how children and babies come and hug you. That sense of touch is only complete with hugging.

Our embrace isn't complete without a sense of touch, and that touch is connected to the heart. Whenever you feel sad, you put your hand on your chest.

Where's most of the air in the body? In the lungs. Feelings, connectivity, and the sense of touch are associated with the air element. 

5) And then you have the fifth chakra and the space element. That's the throat chakra. The space element is connected with sound, which comes from the throat.

Other parts of the body are more or less full at various times, but the throat is empty. Air and food go in and out quickly, but the throat, for the most part, remains empty, hollow, and empty.

If your throat is stuffed, that's it—finished! Your lungs will be filled with air, and it will stay a few minutes there. But in the throat, it just passes. Water passes. Wind passes. Everything moves through.

The throat is the space element connected with sound. Sounds fill the space. 

Have you thought about a little bird? A bird is very little, and its throat is even smaller. But a sound comes out of that throat, occupying that whole space. Isn't that startling?

A little bird, or even a small cricket, makes noise, and that noise spreads all over. That's consciousness manifesting itself as sound and spreading throughout the whole atmosphere.


God is so present, audibly present as sound. Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, “I'm the sound in space. I'm the taste in the water. I'm the fire that digests all of your food.”

Secret yantras of your body 

Among the five elements, space is inactive. It doesn't do anything. It's only constant there.

But the fire and air elements move up, and the water and earth elements move down. This is the Star of David: Two elements go up, and two elements come down. 

What does it form? A hexagon. This is the yantra that's happening in our own body. 

You can watch the rest of the talk below to learn the most unproductive four minutes in every hour.


Editor’s note:
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