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  1. Can Meditation Help Busy Mothers?

    Monica sighed as she sat heavily for a quick coffee and chocolate fix before the rush of after-school activities and household chores began. Her friend had come to visit her and as always was energetic and positive about her life despite having a busy job ...
  2. Experiences of True Beauty

    This is continued from previous article on 11 ways for a glowing skin Below are the experiences of people who found the secret to their beautiful skin in yoga, meditation, Sudarshan Kriya and Ayurveda. “Through meditation, you can reach a place inside you ...
  3. 12 easy tips for glowing skin

    “Beauty is an inner phenomenon. Beauty is not in objects, not in people, not even in the eyes of the beholder. It lies in the heart of every person,” says Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and this beauty in the heart reflects so naturally as radiance and a g ...
  4. Meditation: Equipping Women at Work

    A meditation teacher passionate about women projects, the chairperson of International Women’s Conference, a gifted singer and the sister of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar- Bhanumathi Narasimhan is a versatile lady wearing many hats, effortlessly. Here, she ...
  5. Meditatie voor vrouwen: huisvrouwen, neem een pauze!

    Van Om Shanti tot Home Shanti 6 uur- opstaan; 7 uur- de kinderen klaarmaken voor school; 8 uur- ontbijt; 10 uur- huishoudelijke karweitjes afmaken; 12 uur- lunch klaarmaken... Klinkt deze routine bekend? Dat is misschien zo voor veel van ons huisvrouwen v ...