
Life transforming Organizational quotes by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

The entire creation is a huge organization. Everything is made up of atoms. Death/decay/transformation happens when the atoms get bored of patterns and decide to recognize themselves.


1. We want others to be perfect; we want organizations to be perfect, nations to be perfect, and people to be perfect, and in this pursuit, we forget to see our own imperfections and how we can improve on them.


2. I never intended to start a new organisation but to share what I knew.



3. We need to keep in mind that emotional and ego-related issues should not enter business. When these issues creep into any organization’s structure, they hinder the progress of the organization.


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4. You should grow your business and work well but making that your life’s sole purpose is meaningless.


5. Life gives you both positives and negatives. Focus on the good and move ahead with commitment.


6. Take care of things, organize yourself, but at the same time know that you are not in control of anything. Then surrender happened.


7. Life is a balance between spontaneity and planning. You can't be spontaneous all the time and can't get stuck in planning.



8. The whole world is nothing but organization, where the atoms have decided to organize themselves in a specific pattern to form a particular substance.


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