
How to deal with heart pain


I am not sure if it was heart pain. The whole day I was engaged with a lot of footwork and cooking when, suddenly, an excruciating pain triggered around my left shoulder and chest. The pain was unbearable, and I was at a standstill in the kitchen until the pain subsided. I was confused about whether these were heart pain symptoms.

How to deal with heart pain

Later I learned a great deal about heart pain. Some heart pain symptoms are tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, and pain extending to the arm, shoulder, jaw, or back. Heart pain is one of the symptoms of high blood pressure. Once you have identified the cause of pain and your doctor has ruled out the potential heart problem, home remedies can be helpful. Let us see how to reduce heart pain.

  • Stop! Take rest

Stop to take rest if its heart pain

Leave whatever you are doing and grab lots of rest immediately.

  • Call whom you trust

Call out in a normal voice to the person who can help you reach medical aid. Let them know how you feel. First, confirm with a cardiac expert if the pain is cardiac or gastrointestinal. Reach out to appropriate help in either of the cases.


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  • Medications and Diagnosis

If you are on medication, reach out to your physicians. Else go through diagnostic tests like Electrocardiogram (ECG), blood tests and chest rays. According to the state of your blood vessels supplying to the heart, a CT scan or Angiogram is recommended.

  • Meditation has science-based benefits on the heart

Meditation relieves stress. It improves cardiovascular functioning, including lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Take a stress-reduction break and meditate with Gurudev.


  • Come back to work, but gradually

Listen to your body and do as your doctor prescribes. Come back to your routine activities if you feel well.

  • Attend to the root cause

stress at work may cause heart pain

One of the causes of heart pain is stress. Attending to the root cause can make a difference in the results. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, “Don't postpone your happiness until some perfect future date. Be happy now, and tomorrow will take care of itself.”

Impact of Sudarshan Kriya on stress and cardiac functions

Sudarshan Kriya relieves heart pain

  • Sudarshan Kriya (SK) reduces the stress hormone cortisol by 56% after just two weeks of practice.

  • SK reduces heart rate in just fifteen days of practice.

  • SK reduces blood pressure.


“I had around three years of not sleeping appropriately since I had to take care of my sick son. It kept me stressed. I had chest pain and suffered a rhythm heart disease. One night I prayed to Jesus for Mercy to help me because I felt so exhausted. Three days later, while watching television, I found out about the breathing courses. When I carried out the first breathing course, I experienced ecstasy and great liberation. Starting from the second Sudarshan Kriya, my chest pain vanished. I haven't fainted since then.”

- Flory Moreno, Costa Rica

Join Online Meditation and Breath Workshop to learn Sudarshan Kriya, which improves your heart health. 


Based on inputs by Dr. Sharika Menon, Vaidya, Sri Sri Tattva

Written by: Pratibha Sharma

Reference link 

Research on Sudarshan Kriya

Related links

Practice 20 yoga exercises for a healthy heart.

Yoga for controlling blood pressure and hypertension


Join the Art of Living Yoga program for beginners